Locking manifests in Azure Container Registry

Paul Hatcher
Posted in DevOps, Azure, ACR
So a consequence of wanting to purge images from your container registry is sometimes you need to keep some of them. One example is that in regulated industries you must be able to produce software that was deployed to production for audit/legal purposes, so if you are purging images that are over 3 months old you might have an issue. You can update an image so that it can’t be overridden or deleted via the az acr repository update command e.

Purging manifests from Azure Container Registry

Paul Hatcher
Posted in DevOps, Azure, ACR
One housekeeping task if you are producing docker images is clearing your container registry of old images. I’ve been particularly bad at this and had also made some mistakes such as publishing PR images and images produced via our auto-patching runs, leading to the ACR size being >1.2Tb (ouch!). There are some features introduced by acr auto purge, but I found an issue since my images typically have three tags…